Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH)

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH)

Community total led sanitation (CLTS)

Through UNICEF (CLTS) project CEDA sensitizes the community on the need to construct simple latrines and use of hand washing tools in Dollow district and its surrounding villages which the project is operating under. Owing to the recurrent floods that are often experienced in the region the community in Dollow district especially (IDPs) and Host groups have become vulnerable to consistent infections from suspected diseases like AWD (Acute and Watery Diarrhea), Typhoid, and Cholera.

In healthcare facilities, water is an absolutely critical resources for the health and well-being of both patients and staff. Water is provided to the whole facility, with an emphasis on critical points of care such as delivery rooms so that service providers can wash their hands and keep facilities and instruments clean to take care of the patients and while at the same time protect themselves. Sensitization activities on basic community health is an integral part of community development, each person in the community has a role to play in community health through social participation and monitoring.